The Skeleton Maze
As culture manufactures glamour, ego-death got such a glowing review,
but to depersonalise is swimming as a ghost in a sea with wet wreckage to cling to.
The Skeleton Maze engaged a fascination with underworld and other/afterlife. It s an interdisciplinary performance engaging dance, music, spoken word and tarot. The performance tangles and wrangles with Christian cosmologies, analytically re-negotiated through esoteric spoken word whilst improvised movement attempts to offer rest and release through flow states.
Narratively influenced by tarot cards chosen by audience members, this is a journey into an underworld, yearning for abyss. Tbh, I probably won’t perform it again. As with many things it was processual, of a time, and is now held as memory with gratitude.
I’ve still got a pervasive curiosity about the dark. Hooray for the nurturing pregnancy of impermanence, am I right? (Am I right?)